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to report a safety issue to the CWA Safety Committee

Joe Beirne Scholarship Program

Now accepting applications.

Click Here

for Info



If you have any questions about the VSP being offered for our altafiber members, please call the union hall

@ 513-681-4400


CWA International is going digital. Membership cards will now be digital on your phone. A link to your new card will be emailed to you via the email address that we have on file. IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS or DO NOT HAVE ONE ON FILE WITH CWA, PLEASE CONTACT THE UNION HALL WITH AN EMAIL ADDRESS THAT CAN BE USED

Next Membership Meeting

November 19, 2024
10AM and 7PM


TEXT any of the following to 22555 to receive union-made shopping lists right to your mobile device.
AIRLINE - union friendly airlines
APPLIANCE - union-made appliances
BEER - union-made beer
CARS - union-made cars
CANDY - union-made candy
HOTEL - union-friendly hotels
PETS - union-made pet products
TOYS - union-made toys

Our new address is:
2100 Oak Rd.
Floor 1
Cincinnati, OH 45241


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